Firearms Law and Policy

Firearms Law and Policy

Self-Defense Coverage: All You Need To Know

Natasa Pantelic

Understanding self-defense coverage is more than a legal nicety; it’s a crucial aspect of personal safety and legal responsibility. The ...

Single-Shot Firearm
Firearms Law and Policy

How is a Single-Shot Firearm Different From a Repeating Firearm

Aleksandra Kontic

Single-shot and repeating firearms represent two fundamental categories with distinct operating mechanisms. A single-shot firearm, as the name implies, can ...

Gun Range On A Yacht
Firearms Law and Policy

How Should Firearms Be Transported in A Boat? – A Comprehensive Guide

Milos Nikolovski

Firearms are often used for hunting, self-defense, or recreational purposes. However, transporting firearms in boats poses some unique challenges and ...

Can You Carry A Gun In Your Ca
Firearms Law and Policy

Can You Carry A Gun In Your Car? How To Stay Safe And Legal When Traveling With A Firearm?

Milos Nikolovski

Each state has its unique set of rules and regulations, often differing significantly from its neighbors. This variability can pose ...

Firearms Law and Policy

Are Tasers Legal in New York City: Armed with Knowledge

Lazar Bojic

The legality of stun guns in New York City has been a topic of much debate and legal scrutiny. For ...

Pistol on Table
Firearms Law and Policy

How to Get a Concealed Carry Permit For All States: Unlocking Your Right to Carry

Milos Nikolovski

Obtaining a concealed carry permit (CCP) that’s valid nationwide involves navigating complex state laws and the absence of federal reciprocity. ...