
Tasers Shoot distance
Non-Lethal Weapons

How Far Can Tasers Shoot? How Far Can You Zap an Attacker?

Milos Nikolovski

Tasers offer a non-lethal option for incapacitating individuals from a distance. Their effective range and the technology behind them make ...

What is The Main Difference Between Centerfire and Rimfire Ammunition

What is The Main Difference Between Centerfire and Rimfire Ammunition? The Shooter’s Guide

Milos Nikolovski

When discussing firearms and ammunition, the distinction between centerfire and rimfire is fundamental, impacting everything from the design of the ...

What Are The Basic Parts of Ammunition

What Are The Basic Parts of Ammunition? Bullet Anatomy 101

Milos Nikolovski

Ammunition is a critical component of firearms, providing the means to project force at a distance. It is a complex ...